Mountain Biking the Road of Death in 2012

Bolivia - North Yungas Road - La Cumbre Pass to Coroico


 Mountain bikers begin the Road of Death at 4650 meters (15260 feet) at La Cumbre Pass, before descending to 1200 meters (3900 feet) at the town of Coroico.



Unloading the bikes and adding a layer of biking clothes.


The road starts out on asphalt, providing time to adjust to the bike.


The road is cut into the side of the mountain.


Downhill traffic drives on the left, or the side with the sheer cliffs. 




Portions of the road have sheer cliffs that leave little room for error. 


For some reason most riders stay on the side of the road closer to the mountain.



Enjoying a break and refreshments at a rest area.

The van follows the bikers the whole way for support.

The outfitter was gravity assisted mountain biking in La Paz. 



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